ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


  • Sublitesse Color Scheme

    by hhofner ST3 164 Installs
    A Sublime Text 4 color theme based on antfu's Vitesse
  • Stata Improved Editor

    by zizhongyan Mac 4K Installs
    Improved Stata Editor for macOS : a sublime text 3 plugin
  • Semantic Highlighter

    by kapitanluffy ST3 897 Installs
    🌈 Highlights similar variables on focus
  • Tips

    by kapitanluffy ST4 84 Installs
    💡 Show random tips for Sublime Text
  • Fennel

    by gbaptista ST3 189 Installs
    Fennel Language Support for Sublime Text 3 & 4
  • Gitignore Extended

    by Isaac-the-Man ST3 102 Installs
    Sublime Text plugin for creating .gitignore from templates.
  • Bow Tintin

    by bowphp ST3 106 Installs
    This package adds syntax definitions for Bow Tintin
  • PHPGrammar

    by gerardroche ST3 56K Installs
    PHP macros for Sublime Text.
  • Text Highlighter

    by kdnk 4K Installs
    No description provided
  • Wallaby

    by Wallaby.js ST3 4K Installs
    Super fast test runner with realtime time code coverage for JavaScript.
  • AssistantAI

    by kanutron ST3 315 Installs
    A Sublime Text plugin to interact with HTTP API endpoints and perform text manipulation with their responses. Bundled with OpenAI to interact with ChatGPT or Codex, Gitea to create Issues from the selected code, and Python prompts to add Docstrings, and more. Users can extend it's features by defining Servers and Prompts in Sublime JSON files.
  • LSL

    by Makopo 3K Installs
    Syntax definitions for LSL(Linden Scripting Language) in Second Life and OSSL(OpenSimulator Scripting Language) in OpenSimulator.
  • Visual Studio Dark

    by nikeee 47K Installs
    Dark Visual Studio color scheme for Sublime Text
  • Super Templates

    by WiseLibs ST3 18 Installs
    The syntax definitions for super-templates.
  • Jump Along Indent

    by mwean ST3 3K Installs
    Sublime 3 plugin to move cursor to next/previous line at the same indentation level as the current line
  • PHPUnit Completions

    by tkowalewski 50K Installs
    Autocomplete functionallity for PHPUnit assertions.
  • AlpineJS

    by SublimeText ST4 353 Installs
    AlpineJS syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
  • PSS

    by blutsvente ST3 17 Installs
    PSS (Portable Stimulus Specification) language syntax for Sublime Text 3+4
  • Meetio Theme

    by meetio-theme ST3 4K Installs
    The most powerful and adaptive theme for Sublime Text 3
  • Pretty EDN

    by Chris Oakman ST4 MacLinux 368 Installs
    Format, Validate, Minify EDN files in Sublime Text
  • Column Select

    by ehuss 11K Installs
    Alternate behavior for Sublime keyboard column selection.
  • Theme - Adaptify

    by lodev09 ST3 Trending 7K Installs
    Sublime Text theme. Adaptive but better, IMO
  • SublimeLinter-contrib-revive

    by jsmith0684 ST3 36 Installs
    SublimeLinter plugin for the revive linter for go
  • Copy Relative Path

    by bpicolo 7K Installs
    Adds a command to the right click context menu of sublime that allows you to copy the file path relative to your project directory.
  • HyperClick

    by aziz ST3 7K Installs
    Quickly and easily jump between your files. The missing part of Go to definition functionality in Sublime.