ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


  • Minify on Save

    by eltonvs 6K Installs
    Sublime plugin to minify .js and .css files when saved. Needs minifier plugin to work!
  • Insert Callback

    by daguej 34K Installs
    Inserts a node-style JavaScript callback function, and ensures that the call's trailing semicolon is inserted.
  • MobileLogReader

    by deneb42 1K Installs
    Log colorator for SublimeText allowing easy reviewing of android and ios logs
  • C Improved

    by abusalimov 117K Installs
    (NO LONGER MAINTAINED) Improved syntax for C/C++/Objective-C, with a special support for sources of Linux kernel, CPython, etc.
  • XAML

    by maslbl4 11K Installs
    XAML Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text 2
  • Django Lookup Snippets

    by icycandle 7K Installs
    Snippets for Django ORM Query Lookup
  • Pygame Completions

    by tushortz 15K Installs
    A sublime text completion for pygame in Python
  • Sublimall

    by toxinu ST3 18K Installs
    Synchronize your SublimeText configuration
  • RDate Editor

    by sergeyegorovplw Win 60 Installs
    No description provided
  • Scratchpad

    by ianunay 2K Installs
    Scratchpad plugin for sublime text
  • Pastery

    by apas 967 Installs
    Sublime Text plugin for the sweetest pastebin
  • RailsGoToSass

    by xijo 842 Installs
    Sublime Text 3 package to navigate to sass files inside of your rails project
  • Clang-Complete

    by lvzixun ST3 Mac 5K Installs
    a auto complete plugin for sublimetext3
  • Mojolicious

    by SublimeText 2K Installs
    Mojolicious package for the Perl Web Dev Framework for Sublime Text 2
  • coala

    by coala ST3 572 Installs
    This repository holds a sublime plugin that provides code analytics via coala.
  • ESpec

    by retgoat MacLinux 58 Installs
    Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for ESpec BDD framework for Elixir.
  • OmnisStudioIndenter

    by Frogli 341 Installs
    Sublime Text 3 indenter plugin for Omnis Studio
  • GLSL Compiler

    by sindney WinMac 4K Installs
    GLSLCompiler package for sublime text
  • Gemma

    by parachute-io 334 Installs
    A Sublime Text 3 plugin for easily adding gems to your Gemfile.
  • SQLPlus

    by bofm ST3 11K Installs
    Sublime Text 3 plugin for Oracle Database SQL*Plus.
  • Breadboard

    by breadboard-xyz ST3 241 Installs
    No description provided
  • phJade

    by konstantin24121 4K Installs
    Syntax highlighting for Jade in Sublime Text 3 with php sintax
  • KoLMafia ASH Syntax

    by digitrev 124 Installs
    Syntax highlighting for KoLMafia's ASH scripting language
  • DFormat

    by dmi7ry 586 Installs
    Format D source code in Sublime Text
  • CForm

    by beaknit 5K Installs
    SublimeText plugin for CloudFormation