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Real-time collaboration plugin for Sublime Text 2/3. Remote pair programming done right.



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Floobits plugin for Sublime Text 2 & 3

Real-time collaborative editing. Think Etherpad, but with native editors. This is the plugin for Sublime Text. We also have plugins for Emacs, Vim, and IntelliJ.

Development status: Reasonably stable. We dogfood it daily and rarely run into issues.

Installation instructions

  • If you have Package Control, go to Package Control → Install Package and search for Floobits. Select the Floobits package and install it.

  • If you don't have Package Control (or you prefer to install the plugin manually), clone this repository or download and extract this tarball.

  • Rename the directory to “Floobits”.

  • In Sublime Text, go to Preferences -> Browse Packages.

  • Drag, copy, or move the Floobits directory into your Packages directory.

If you'd rather create a symlink instead of copy/moving, run something like:

ln -s ~/code/floobits-sublime ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/Floobits

Once the plugin is installed, you'll be asked whether you want to create an account or sign in. If you choose to sign in, a browser window will open allowing you to enter your Floobits credentials.

For more help, see our Sublime Text help page.


All configuration settings are stored in ~/.floorc.json. If you don’t have a ~/.floorc.json file, the plugin will create one. It will also open a web page showing the minimal information you’ll need to put in your ~/.floorc.json. After saving the file, restart Sublime Text.

Using Floobits to Collaborate

After creating your account, you’ll want to create a workspace or two. A workspace is a collection of files and buffers that users can collaborate on.

See https://floobits.com/help/plugins/sublime/#usage for instructions on how to create workspaces and collaborate with others.



Sublime Text 2 on Windows requires Package Control 3.0 to be installed to function properly. This is due to a bug in the select module that ST2 ships by default.


On Linux, Sublime Text 2 and 3 ship without the _ssl module. Installing Package Control 3.0 will install the missing elements. Otherwise, we try to work around it by running an SSL proxy using the system Python.


Our plugin doesn't work on 10.6 and earlier. This appears to be a bug in OS X. Please upgrade to a newer version.


If you have trouble setting up or using this plugin, please contact us.